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The Differences Between Conventional And Organic Wholesale Pork

According to sources, the annual pig meat production volume for the UK in 2022 was 1.05 million tonnes, an increase of 1.2% (12,600 tonnes), compared to 2021. This means a vast amount of UK households serve some kind of processed pork at their dinner table every week. Whether that is bacon, sausages, gammon, pork belly, pork chops, ribs, mince, or other pork products.

With such a high amount of pork being processed every year in the UK, the only question remaining is: are consumers and retailers aware of the differences between conventional pork and organic wholesale pork? As a leading organic meat wholesaler, we thought this topic is within our area of expertise. We believe it’s important for both consumers and retailers to be more informed about the standards of pork they purchase, either conventionally or organically. In this article, we will explain the key 3 differences between conventional and organic wholesale pork.

Animal Welfare

The main difference between conventional and organic pork can be traced back to animal welfare. Similar to free-range chickens, organically raised pigs are kept outdoors, free to roam on fresh pastures throughout their lives. They also have access to housing for shelter, clean drinking water and are generally fed good sources of vegetables and forage. During the winter, free-range pigs are generally kept in well-ventilated housing with access to an outdoor pen. 

Meanwhile, conventional pork is sourced from pigs that are raised indoors with no access to roam freely on pasture. Indoor living conditions for these pigs tend to be crammed and their diet tends to be less nutritious as they don’t have access to fresh pasture. Most indoor-raised pigs have to be sprayed with pesticides for insect control and given chemical hormones to boost growth.


When it comes to any type of meat, organic tends to be better in quality. Organic pork is more nutritious because free-range pigs are raised on higher nutritious food which eliminates the need of treating them with pesticides or chemical hormones. This means organic pork is free from chemicals and safer to eat for the health and well-being of end consumers. On the other hand, conventional pork tends to be lower in quality and less nutritious because indoor-raised pigs can carry the risk of diseases from being treated with pesticides and chemicals. 


The purchasing cost for organic pork is typically higher than conventional pork for many reasons including increased feeding costs, better animal welfare and that organic farming is on a smaller scale and requires greater intensity from labourers during production. With that being said, if consumers and retailers are looking for better quality pork, they should consider paying a slightly higher price for organic pork.

Are You Looking For Organic Wholesale Pork?

At H.P. Westwood, we have been supplying consumers and retailers across most of the Midlands with local, high-quality wholesale pork since 1937. We’re proud that all our wholesale meat is accredited by the RSPCA and the Red Tractor. Over the years, animal welfare has become more and more important to consumers. These accreditations give you peace of mind that our meat is always sourced from livestock with high welfare conditions and traceability. Are you looking for organic wholesale pork for your household or business? For more information on our wholesale pork or any of our other products, please feel free to contact us.

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